Bulletin Fall 2021

Director's Update

October 1, 2021

Dear Colleagues,

I hope this finds people maintaining sanity and equilibrium in the midst of the still fluid and unpredictable situation with the pandemic.

SNAP members are currently planning two conferences that I would like to draw your attention to.

The first, Sensoria of al-Andalus and the Western Mediterranean, will be held February 18-19, 2022, at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Click here for the CFP. Last-minute proposals will be accepted until Wednesday, October 6, 2021.

The second conference, An Aqueous Bridge: People and Objects in Motion in the Western Mediterranean, from the Medieval to the Modern eras, is planned for July 25-26, 2022, to be held at the Tangier American Legation Institute for Moroccan Studies (TALIM), which is the American Institute for Maghrib Studies (AIMS) center in Morocco. The conference is supported by an AIMS conference grant.  Planning for this is somewhat more fluid, given the challenges presented by international travel and conference planning at the moment, but the intent is to hold the conference in person.  Please stay tuned for further details as things come into sharper focus in the months ahead.

In the meantime, I wish you all a healthy and sane Fall, an enjoyable return to in-person instruction (for those who are back in the classroom), and relief from screen-fatigue (for those who are teaching remotely).

Best wishes,

Andrew Devereux, President, Spain-North Africa Project