Program for Symposium at CUA

8:30-09:00    REGISTRATION                                    Stephen Happel Room, Caldwell Hall


              Registration on site: $15 for faculty $10 for students.

              We encourage PRE-REGISTRATION HERE

9:00-09:20    OPENING REMARKS                            Stephen Happel Room, Caldwell Hall

            Welcome: Lourdes Alvarez (Catholic University of America)

            Mission of SNAP: Yuen-Gen Liang (Wheaton College MA)

9:20-12:30    WORKSHOP: Forms of Exchange         Stephen Happel Room, Caldwell Hall

            Moderator: Yuen-Gen Liang (Wheaton College MA)


            Adam Gaiser (Florida State University), “Singing Girls and All that Sparkles: Politics and Trade in Early Umayyad Spain and Kharijite North Africa”

            Commentator: Sumaiya Hamdani (George Mason University)

            Cynthia Robinson (Cornell University), “Return to Najd: The Poetics of Nostalgia in Andalusī and Magrebī Maulūdiyyāt (Poems in Honor of the Prophet’s Birthday) from the 14th/8th century”

            Commentator: Lourdes Alvarez (Catholic University of America)

           María Marcos Cobaleda (Universidad de Granada), “Unity and Interchange of Arts and Artisans between al-Andalus and North Africa during the Almoravid Period”


            Commentator: Camilo Gómez-Rivas (American University in Cairo)

12:30-14:00    LUNCH

14:00-16:00    PANEL: Land, Identity, and Experience between Iberia and North Africa

                                                                                  Stephen Happel Room, Caldwell Hall

            Chair: Abigail Krasner Balbale (Harvard University)

            Discussant: Erin Rowe (University of Virginia)

            Mar Martínez Góngora (Virginia Commonwealth University), “Similar Land, Inferior Populations: Imaging the Spanish Exploitation of the Maghreb”


            David Coleman (Eastern Kentucky University), “Of Corsairs, Converts and Renegades: Forms and Functions of Coastal Raiding on Both Sides of the Alboran Sea, 1487-1550”

            Claire Gilbert (University of California, Los Angeles), “That Faithful Word: Early Modern Mediterranean Intermediaries and the case of Abdarrahman Catani”


            Mayte Green (University of Chicago), “Reformation in the Western Mediterranean: Agustín de Ribera, Prophet and Messenger of Muhammad”

16:00-16:15    BREAK

16:15-18:00    ROUNDTABLE: The Role of SNAP in Scholarship, Teaching, and the Academy

                                                                                     Great Room C, Pryzbyla Center


        Moderator: Andrew Devereux (University of California, Los Angeles)


        Lourdes Alvarez (Catholic University of America), TBA


        Glaire Anderson (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill), “Integrating Spain and North Africa in Medieval Islamic Architectural History”


        Jocelyn Hendrickson (Whitman College), “Contesting Iberian Exceptionalism: Muslim Legal Responses to Portuguese Rule in Morocco”


        Jonathan Ray (Georgetown University), “The Western Mediterranean in the Late Middle Ages: Questioning Religious, Ethnic and Geographic Boundaries”

18:00-19:00    RECEPTION

The SNAP symposium is made possible by generous funding from
the Catholic University of America

and the Johns Hopkins University

For further questions contact Andrew Devereux